GT » Gifted and Talented Program for Elementary

Gifted and Talented Program for Elementary

Orange Grove I.S.D. gifted program is designed to offer students curricular experiences that will develop and broaden their general intellectual ability, creative and productive thinking skills, leadership qualities, and willingness to be of service to others. The Texas Performance Standards for the Gifted and Talented Program is a resource for providing differentiated instruction to gifted/talented (G/T) students (and can be used for providing enhanced academic opportunities for all students). The TPSP provides a coherent package of standards, curriculum, and assessments for use in G/T programs from kindergarten through high school. 

GT identified students at the Elementary are clustered in classes according to the guidelines from the Texas State GT Plan and are provided enrichment activities from teachers who have completed their GT professional developement requirements annually. 
Do you wonder if your child is a bright, high-achiever or a Gifted Learner?