5th Grade » 5th Grade

5th Grade

The best way to contact your child's teacher is by email.


ELAR: Kandy Hubble [email protected]

Science & Social Studies: Amanda Flores [email protected]

Math: Cindy Brandt  [email protected]


ELAR: Rachel Wiggins [email protected]

Science & Social Studies: Kimberly Hernandez  [email protected]

Math: Robert Dwyer [email protected]


Special Education Resource & Inclusion:

Bonnie Robertson [email protected]

Stephanie Coleman [email protected]



PE: Aylin Rubio [email protected]    Wesley Callihan [email protected]

Music: Rudy Torres  [email protected]

District Librarian: Theresa Klepac [email protected]


Attendance Clerk: 361-384-9358 x 1307

Secretary: 361-384-9358 x 1300

Nurse: 361-384-9358 x 1308